Most people I know need to subdue a gag reflex when talking about Paris. But I have always cheered her on as she glides through life with an air of ease that we can all only dream of. She has never pretended to be anything besides a pampered airhead, yet people seem to despise and resent her, or love her, like i do. Almost as if she is stealing her fame from people who would otherwise deserve it. As if truly deserving it, or working for it even matters in today's world! A vast number of people resent her fame like it's all that's wrong with America. I think Britney Spears really holds that title, where Paris seems to define how to play America for what it's worth. Britney was a well packaged and overly produced piece of white trash who left us all wondering how her awful music got on all the radio stations. Her trashiness is now only evident after years of drug and family related decline, and a pot belly. Where Paris is still gliding away in the public eye, regardless of having never really proven to anybody that she has any particular talent. Well I say, Bravo to that. Paris, show us how incredibly vapid we really are. I think we need some real honesty in our media branded lives.
In my book, Paris is the modern version of somebody like Princess Di or Jackie Kennedy. She can merely stand in front of cameras and smile and end up on the cover of every known magazine on the rack. I think that this is because she represents the pinnacle of our society. She is the result of being born at the top. It's a class thing, even though she has none. But, the real reason she has no class, is because nobody cares about class anymore. True old school grace isn't even understood by the masses of today. As Paris has illustrated, a well placed sex tape is as effective a PR maneuver as a ride in the royal carriage to Buckingham Palace.
When Paris got her own TV show I was amazed at how funny she could be. Simply by behaving exactly the way you would expect somebody would when they grow up answering to nobody and getting everything they want. She is American Royalty, get over it America. You are looking in the mirror.
As far as her looks are concerned, I actually never found her attractive until she made me laugh on her show. I mean, she has no tukus, and I am a certified ass man. But I respected her "honesty" and her complete lack of regard for the tightly strung farmers and red staters she was torturing on her show with such reckless abandon. It was a perfect example of how money works, and what's right or wrong about capitalism. She defines freedom, at least the idea of freedom that we champion here. So it was that she appealed to me by using her perceived flaws and turning the whole thing around on its head. that made her HOT.
here she is charming a grumpy bus passenger she calls "Milly"
Now she has impressed me yet again. Her self-spoofing ad knocking McCain raises her up another notch in my book. She knows what people think of her and she knows how to make it funny. Bravo Ms.Thing, you go girl.
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