Play this. I am pretty much positive that the latest show is good. Updated a lot.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

On being intolerant of intolerance

Work Forum snippet...on Liberals vs. Conservatives...

Animator2 wrote:
why are they so angry?!
Animator3 wrote:
Never has there been a more appropriate situation for facepalm.
Zen2 wrote:
WOW. Obama said it was easy to rile up a crowd by stoking hatred, but thats not what america needs now.

That was by no means an "attack" on those people. i consider that a very mild reference to bad leadership...he wasn't even blaming the gracious lovely folk calling him a terrorist and calling for his death.

anything i read or see about the GOP lately makes me feel like Bill Murray after getting slimed as a Ghost Buster.

Animator4 wrote:
I dunno, if I was going make a Ghostbuster's reference, I'd probably go with the pink slime from Ghostbusters 2 that concentrated anger, hate, and all the other unsavory emotions. Those McCain supporters probably use it like Bryl cream or Ben-gay for achy joints.

Animator5 wrote:
I love it when an aging crowd yells "Get a job!" ... because somebody has to pay for their Social Security.

Animator4 wrote:
Because they want to live in an America where being white and Christian meant you were better than other people, and Obama is a symbol of how much that world has disappeared. They have been told covertly and overtly for decades that the reason for those changes are things like affirmative action, feminists, uppity blacks, and liberals. They now fear that the enemy within will take over the country.

Zen2 wrote:
God, I sure hope so. GOBAMA!

Animator5 wrote:
We really do live in two Americas. Sad.

Zen2 wrote:
i'm still annoyed that we won the civil war.

Animator6 wrote:
Well lookey here. The party of tolerance and gummybear icecream.

Zen2 wrote:
that made me so proud. Upper West Side, born and raised.

i've never heard Liberals claim to be tolerant of conservatives, just minorities, and alternative groups. those liberals also weren't yelling for anybody's death, just booing and flipping off is pretty minor for that area. it was like, hey, you wanna walk through my neighborhood (one that's like 90% very liberal) and tell me what yo think? well here's what i think.

they didn't have one sound bite of an argument?! the movie made in pennsylvania was all about the sound bites of what the people were actually saying. which is what was really scary, not boo boo, or get a job. nice try though.

Animator6 wrote:
Be proud if you want. I think its pretty douchbaggy for anybody (both sides) to be like that.

Zen2 wrote:
that's a legit stance.

but if you flip it around. maybe it's actually coming together by behaving similarly. maybe there are some Pennsyltucky folk who will see that and say "hey lookit, they just like us!"

if liberals were all hare krishna and zen-like they would be even weirder to the McCain folkses.

and honestly, I can't be tolerant of the GOP. not anymore. tolerance for that party went out the window for me, the second we attacked iraq. it's time to really fight about it. a LOT of people have died in the last 8 years of unnatural causes.

Animator6 wrote:

My question is why can't we all just get along instead of playing this whole my side is right and yours never will be. In all honesty there is no right it is all a matter of perspective. Politics is like a winding road with thousands of divergent routes with no end in sight. Just take this in mind when you try to argue that you are right to people that disagree with you. All you end up doing is make either you or them angry and waste both of your lives in a petty argument.

Animator7 wrote:

you guys should watch this

it is directly related to this very discussion

Zen2 wrote:

hey Animator6, I generally don't argue with republicans. I can't even understand them.

Actually, I understand the really rich ones that voted for Bush for tax breaks and the removal of the estate tax. I understand them. no need to argue there, and there's no chance of changing their mind$.

As for the rest of them. anybody who believes in one or any number of these ideas: that gay people don't deserve the right to marry, that a fertilized egg is a human being with more rights then the woman who has it in her uterus, that Osama and Hussein were buds and we did the right thing by invading a large unstable nation, that you should be able to have a beer with the leader of the free world rather then get schooled by them, that immigration is a huge problem worth building a wall around texas, that it's okay to not vote for a war veteran because he windsurfs, but then four years later vote for one who can't remember how many houses he owns, that you can trust corporations to allow money to trickle down to the lower classes is somebody who i will NEVER COMPREHEND. let alone want them to walk down Columbus Avenue as a small herd. that's MY neighborhood. I promise to never set foot in rural texas with an Obama sign in my hands...that's just stupid and actually dangerous.

Animator8 wrote:
Booing someone's belief system (whether correct in your mind or not) exudes intolerance. It is less dramatic than "kill him" but it is still intolerance none the less.

Zen2 wrote:
Is it intolerance, if it's being intolerant OF intolerance? methinks not.

well, things are getting better. Had they pulled that s**t in the
70's, 80's, or even early 90's on the upper west side they would have gotten shot by one of those handguns they are trying to protect.

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