Play this. I am pretty much positive that the latest show is good. Updated a lot.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Shifting Gears to Bi-Coastal

Is bi-coastal even a word?

, I guess NYC just can't have me all year long anymore. I'm sorry, but with global warming muscling out snow days, yet falling pathetically short of overpowering the cold fronts and their tendancy to piss cold rain. Nowadays, I am WAY less prone to wrap up in a jacket and bear my way through it, especially after living in a permanent state of Springtime in San Francisco for almost 6 years...and perpetual summer in LA for 2 years.

Add that to the "improved" or "gentrified" change in the culture of the city itself, with it's obvious loss of that "Where the Wild Things Are" state of mind, and the torturous taming of the beast by Connecticut and every suburb within an airplane or car ride, I no longer find myself amazed by it. The excitement that once overwhelmed me whenever i was out and about in NYC has faded. Now, I am all too aware of all the great places out there in the wide world beyond the five boroughs. NYC works it's magic on me only when juxtaposed against these other places. I need to miss it and what's left of it's originality. I need to miss the museums, the parks, the pizza. Of course I DON'T need to miss my family and a lot of my friends. That I could do without. But I think NY's appeal will mainly come in warmer months, and in a sense that it is still a bit different from LA or SF. It still stays up late, it's still big and intimidating (although only in a sense of size, not danger and culture), it's still the new Rome, ands I am still a born native. So I hold on, just not as tight.

Which brings me to a new winter season of posts. Posts that might involve NYC, but only in an anecdotal way, or in a relative way. These posts are my winter in LA posts. And rest assured, they will carry weight and meaning in a NYC sense, because you can take the who-ski out of the what-ski, etc etc.
yada yada. So game on, Venice California...


Anonymous said...

Good Riddance...

Zen2 said...

ha ha. that was bold of you, Anonymous.