Play this. I am pretty much positive that the latest show is good. Updated a lot.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

grey day

Gotta love the warm cozy feeling reading the NY Times gives me on a grey morning. But the news is never good. The environment is clearly something we need to address. We speak of terrorism and war exhaustively. But 100k people might have just been washed away by a freakishly large Cyclone in Asia. This is only four years after 181k died there because nobody had their eyes on the water, and a large city was almost completely washed out in America from a Hurricane. A pissed planet is nothing to fuck with, her death toll makes Israel look like a minor disagreement. In Brazil, there's a powerful land owner who was just freed after being convicted of ordering the murder of a nun who was outspoken about preserving the rain forest. In Texas, there's a man who has 25 wives while simultaneously having 34 kids in Arizona from OTHER wives. That's horrible for his wives, no doubt brainwashed and underage. But the carbon footprint of people like this is astounding, reminiscent of Attila the Hun. One generation of rabbit-people like that and we wouldn't even have elbow room. Italy wont take out its trash And good ol' America wants cheap gas. Please, Mother Nature it seems you need to WOMP our asses. From the look of the sky above me, and the news i am reading, it seems like she is just about ready to oblige.

And here i am. On mass transit like a good boy, yet super late for work because i got on a local instead of an express. There's really no way to win (i stare longingly at the freedom of the drivers on the Sprain Parkway not 100 feet from my train window).

The woman across from me, the one who needed me to move my paper even though the train is 90 percent empty, the one who apparently has a bad cough and ate something foul for breakfast. Finally ended her extremely loud phone conversation in a language that i can't even identify, and has now started to clip her nails. I guess i am just really intrigued by what sensory horrors she might have to offer next. I could have gotten up and moved or just yelled at her with my crazy face on. Or possible forced a morning fart in her general direction. But actually, the experience of her almost insanely disgusting intrusion is kind of interesting. Wow. I didn't even know this kind of person existed 20 minutes ago! My mind has been opened. I feel...elevated?

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