Here's a sad article about the state of affairs for a gay couple who moved to Idaho from New Jersey. One of the guys in the couple is no longer protected under his partner's health insurance because Idaho has forgotten the basic tenets of our constitution.
America has always had a bad record of being oddly selective when it comes to the basic promises set forth by our founders. i guess it starts at day one, when the declaration of independence made all it's great claims, but was specific to white wealthy straight men only. slowly and begrudgingly, through civil war and civil unrest, these specific definitions were widened to include larger groups of people, like women and minorities.
even to this day it's obvious that even these newcomers to freedom and america's promises haven't yet been fully included. differences in socio-economics for these groups are still very lopsided. but where i think we are most egregious and mostly still confused by basic ideals, is with the issue of gay marriage.
how is it that people STILL don't get it?! why is it still ok to say that a group of americans DON'T deserve the same rights as another group of americans. why are we still arguing whether or not being gay is a choice. WHO GIVES A FUCK IF IT'S A CHOICE?!?! are we not allowed to choose our religion? are we not allowed the freedom to enjoy our lives and feel protected in our choices? the gay genes question is obviously a red herring that further removes the argument from the real issue. that people need equal rights to live the lives that america promises.
In San Francisco, I had the pleasure of driving by city hall every morning while Gavin Newsom's office was dolling out marriage licenses to same sex couples. it was a moving sight. a line of people going down the steps and around the corner. all dressed up, all ecstatic to be able to do what every body else just takes for granted. its not just about insurance and protecting your loved ones, its about love itself. these people were in love and up to that point were told by the rest of the country that their choices, although tolerated, were not afforded any legal standing, or any recognition at all.
i can understand the few religious jerks across the street yelling about hell fire, because i am willing to accept that 5% of any population is dysfunctional and incapable of rational thought. i understand that there are people who quote scripture that was written by people who threw stones at women because they went outside while having their periods. i get it. not everybody is blessed with a full set of cards. those people i can ignore. but in Idaho, 69% of the people voted to deny gays basic rights. that's more then just the dysfunctional having their say. that's a majority of people denying the rights of a minority. there's really no other way to look at it.
i wonder if these people realize that when america finally figures it out, in maybe 10-20 years, that it will be footage of people like them, that we watch on the history channel and are shocked at how hateful, and stupid they are. the same way we do now when we watch old footage of white supremacists in the south shouting about the evils of integration in the 60's. wake up people of Idaho and america. rights are not selective. marriage and love is universal. protecting the one you love is an inalienable right. just look at the top picture. if thats not true, unadulterated love, then i don't know what is. when i saw that picture i realized that these two women probably know more about love then billions of heterosexuals on this planet. billions.
the fact that i feel the need to even explain this should be seen as a humiliation for america. a fundamental shortcoming of a system that was meant to cover everyone. it's like getting a slap on the wrist from an adult. actually, i'd love to hear some dissenting point of views. like why it would destroy the sanctity of marriage? does it really? anybody who thinks that their marriage is in danger because of gay marriage is clearly having internal issues with their own gayness. the only marriages that would be in trouble are the ones that include people who are closeted about their actual sexuality. and for those sorry souls who can't be honest with themselves or their spouses, a change in the law is not going hinder OR help them.
UPDATE: May 15, 2008
Looks like California just beat New York in recognizing the rights of gay people. As a New Yorker I am humiliated and disappointed. As a human being, I am excited for this happy turn of events. it's obviously just a matter of time for until the rest of this stupid country to see the error of its ways...
1 comment:
I like to ask a straight person who is against gay marriage if they CHOSE to be straight. Gets em everytime.
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