i won't go into my deep feelings of ultra violence concerning people who are against gay marriage or gayness in general. NOTE:(make sure you never say anything to my face if you believe that it shouldn't be legal or if you have any problems with people's sexual orientation, if i am not in the mood to try to change your mind about basic human rights i am liable to kick you in the mouth or punch you in the head. how's THAT for feeling the love?! :). because if i speak of those feelings, i might ruin my generally great mood. but i will say how great it was to be in a place like San Fran that is so tolerant and smart, it was great to see the few religious bigots, obviously driving in from somewhere else, with their poorly colored signs proclaiming hell fire, get completely overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of supporters. where historically they have been the majority, here they were the wacky few, the weirdos.
i remember there were like 5-10 of these jerks across the street, behind 50 cops (the cops OBVIOUSLY supported the gay weddings. they all had these shit-eating grins while i, and most people driving by, rolled out our middle fingers and honked in their direction. daily...the cops knew it was meant for the people they were blocking...probably the only time i, or anyone, could get away with giving a bird in the direction of a herd of cops). but the louder the nasty, limiters of human rights would yell, the louder the fiesta got. you can't bottle that kind of fun. you can't really even describe it. you must go there and see it for yourself. its beautiful, and i think it's just a big embodiment of pure love. you go San Fran! woot!
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