the next thing i know there is a loud roaring noise and coming down the street is what looks like a mini tornado. garbage was riding the leading edge of the wind and it was coming right at me. i quickly turned my back to the incoming debris and was whipped by dirt and flying chunks of garbage. i tried to run into a vestibule but made it only after getting pelted so hard in the back and the legs that i had black and blue speed knots. in all my years in Manhattan, i can't say that i have ever been assaulted like that. i knew instantly that i needed to quickly find shelter. it was scary and seemed very wrong. something is going on.
just ask this guy trying to get to his home to save stuff from flooding. Cedar Rapids road block. the cop on the left has one of those retractable metal maces. and yeah, he's smashing the window and about to "extract" this poor guy. imagine getting attacked like that just trying to get to your house?!

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