he's very pretty though, and i chose him not just because he looks like Mao, my old cat. but also because i couldn't get any cat adoption places to consider me since I have a backyard. I guess it should be pointed out that having a backyard doesn't mean its the kind of yard you can escape from, mine is sealed off for animals, except birds unfortunately (fucking pigeons!). and also, if i want to save a cat, and have had cats my whole life, i find it HIGHLY insulting that an adoption center would deem me unworthy of giving a home to one of their cats. Highly insulting. I ended up sending a picture of him chilling in my yard to two of the places in a nasty email that basically said, "thanks for making me feel like i am unworthy of saving a cat. here's my new cat living a better life then you people do." naturally i didn't get a response.
So i had to take Miso from the one guy who gave me a chance, and he wasn't really doing me a favor, or at least he thought. he showed up with Miso and pulled him out of the carrier and basically fled the scene. I found out a few seconds later why he was so quick to give me the little guy. Miso was almost feral and was/is scared to death of people. he spent the next few weeks lurking about hissing at us....until he met Calvin, the resident gentleman cat brought to me via my girlfriend.
Calvin is a very gentle, old, people loving cat. he had no idea what he was about to get into with Miso. Miso fell in love with Calvin. he follows the old guy around like that little dog who flanks Spike in the Looney Tunes cartoons. never more then a few inches away. always trying to hump him when he is resting. Calvin is either too old to fight, likes it, or just gave into Miso's single-minded craziness. now they are like an odd couple. clearly in love, they lie together in a heap of fur and lick each other all day. Miso on the left, Calvin on the right.

except he still has flashbacks, like he will be in a tight place, maybe an open drawer, routing around in the clothes. and all of a sudden he will feel like something is attacking him, i guess, because he will spaz out completely. the other day he did it so hard and suddenly that he wacked his head on the top of the open drawer and had to sit under a table shaking his head to get rid of the dizziness. i think he is mentally challenged for sure. but it makes for some great entertainment. although i wonder how amused Calvin is by it.
this is how i found the lovers the other day when i got home. Calvin must have sat there waiting for somebody to come home, and Miso had to sit RIGHT next to him. you can't tell from the angle, but part of Miso's butt and leg are literally on Calvins. he's ALL UP IN CALVIN'S BID-NESS.

I also have two male cats who are clearly "gay" for each other, which is kind of cool to behold and makes me appreciate how much homophobic bs we have in our society where a lot of guys wouldn't be seen alone in a room together for fear of being labeled gay (and it's especially awesome to see a straight guy like you who totally gets this, because in my experience even a lot of gay guys are still oddly homophobic.) And btw, I totally laughed my head off at your puke-out-the-window post the other day. Fucking hilarious.
my cats have a bromance going on, as well.
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