Re-enactment of the Spider Man scene where he stops the train by shooting webs at buildings on each side and using his body in the middle. but with an "Island" theme. mad points for creative usage of ducklings and chicks. Another genius detail: the mask on the ground. that is indeed the sequence where he loses his mask.

I have no idea where this is from. apparently, neither does she.

Worst Tat Ever. Patrick Swayyyyyze, as a front of interweaving rainbows.

Oak-town Anteaters

partially offensive. partially parachute pants. Stop, It's Hammertime.

Perfect for the office.

Truth in advertising.

It's really the Headset that gets me.

Sci-Fi Sacrilege

This should be on the wall in a dog pound.

It's fun to stay at the...

I heart LOLCATS!

Cuteness overload. could fry your video card.

I remember actually reacting like that when i first came across a real Lego Deathstar Set.

IN-n-OUT fart ass-plosion. Points for ultra distorted facial expression.

this is the face of FEAR

Really, the best part? Imitation Crabmeat. I heart Craigslist.

your cat is infected with Ninja

Episode VI: Return of the Dachshund

Too much Guitar Hero has its consequences


the Dark side of A&P

I imagine that the "Alien" reference isn't really comprehended by this tot. But at least the baby seems to understand the emotional motivation of the role, judging by the expression.

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