We're gonna take it. 2008 is our year. it seriously brings tears to my eyes, because i know its going to happen. I look at this guy Obama and I see that he is playing the game right. Rising above most of the crap throwing and the little political traps. He's likable, he's smart, he sticks to his guns despite political pressure, he voted AGAINST giving the Anti-Christ license to invade Iraq. I think I love this guy. And I think the cowboys have had enough, they just got their ranches and trailer homes foreclosed, and their pickups repossessed and their sons are going back to Iraq for the third time. HAD ENOUGH?!?! I think so, this time. And if I am willing to give up the estate tax for a brighter future, then I think middle America can give up on the idea of having a beer with their Yale grad prez. Didn't get them anywhere did it?
8 years of cringing every time the white house says something or does something. Bush and Cheney can go fuck themselves. They can crawl into holes next to Osama Bin Forgotten (their homey, no doubt) and count the money they just made for all I care. We all know that they will never be able to go anywhere again without heavy security, or without having millions of sworn enemies looking for them. I revel in the thought that is the rest of their lives. Ineffectual, old, spent, defeated. I want them to sit back and watch how this country heals. Watch how it plugs in all the holes they just uncovered. I want them to realize that all the shit they just pulled had the effect of making it impossible for it to happen again.
That's where my anxiety is now. Can Obama pull it off? Will he face peril and adversity that a white man wouldn't? will he be like NYC's Mayor Dinkins, a great thinker, a great speaker, a great hope, only to end up unable to bring about change due to the underlying problems being larger then him? Or worse yet, will racism play a more subtle role in the everyday process and strip him of the team players he might otherwise enjoy in congress and in the media? I am worried about that, but not enough to ruin the elation i have now. the warm sense that this country will finally make me proud after so much humiliation. We WILL elect the better candidate, for better reasons this time. it's coming. it's going to happen.

If it doesn't, then Je suis Francais.
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